last updated 5.14.22
photo - Rosemary Beach, Florida
Where I'm Living
- My husband Brian and I are learning to experience life with less stuff and no home-base. Some call what we are doing "location-independence." We call it crazy!
- We recently left Rosemary Beach, Florida and are headed back to the North East. We're not sure where we will land next but southern Maine seems to be calling us. Stay tuned.
- Curious? My "Untangled" podcast episode explains why we are house-free and the freedom that comes with it.
Where I'm Focused
- Mental Fitness is my jam. I help people feel more strong, calm and clear. Explore my best practices for building Mental Fitness in my courses, book and videos.
- Daily Whispers is my daily podcast. And it's cracking me open by helping be spontaneous and vulnerable.
- In The Arena is my 4-week mastermind for women focused on accelerated transformation through daily action.
- The Mental Fitness Collective—I am the Founding Member of a group of passionate experts collaborating to make a big impact.
The inspiration for this Now page came from Derek Sivers. For more check out