sky gaze

#100: Blow Your Mind With Sky Gazing

In this episode, Cara explains why this micro-practice opens our mind. You’ll learn how catching a glimpse of the expansive sky is not only settling, it’s downright mind blowing. Furthermore, discover how this simple Tibetan Buddhist practice comes from the tradition of Dzogchen aimed at discovering and continuing in the natural state of being.

Pocket Watch

#99: Try This Micro-Practice To Find Your Flow In 15 Minutes

Learn this 15 minute micro-practice and shift into flow—your optimal state of focused attention and effectiveness. There’s a reason the typical TED talk lasts around 15 minutes. Research shows that our focus starts to drift at the 10-15 minute mark of a talk or lecture. In other words, our attention has a shelf life. In this episode Cara offers you a micro-practice, or quick strategy, to make the most of your finite attention span.

#98: The Fierce Urgency of Now

Tomorrow is today. Do you sense the fierce urgency of now? Now. It’s elusive and slippery. Now. It’s all we have—and it’s going by fast. Stuck in our head, preoccupied with “he said, she said,” we miss the moment that we’re in. Poof. It’s gone, never to happen again. How do we show up right now? How do we not miss this moment? These questions and more drive me into my daily body-mind practices.

Man on bridge over stream

#97: Below the Stream of Busyness

Busyness, it’s a national addiction. When was the last time you hung out with nothing on your schedule? Are you an obsessive list maker, planner or organizer or forever seeking self improvement? If so, you may be harboring unconscious and even addictive patterns of behavior resulting in low-level stress or anxiety. Learn how taking an hour or two a week without your phone, lists, plans or self-help schemes can expose your unhelpful patterns and how interrupting them is not only necessary, it’s downright liberating.

man in ocean

#96: Your “Hell Yeah” Wake-Up Call

I’m still buzzing from a powerful exercise I (sort of) made up about finding my “hell yeah.” It’s inspired by the bestseller Tools of Titans in which author Tim Ferriss engages with programmer-philosopher Derek Sivers about saying hell yeah and saying no. Sivers writes: “If I’m not saying “HELL YEAH!” about something, then I say no. If I feel anything less than “Wow! That would be amazing! Absolutely! Hell Yeah!” — then my answer is no.”

Cup of Tea

#95: The Power Of Pause

Power pause. Discover how to up your game and perform your best. We are starving for stillness and silence in our culture. Doesn’t it seem like there is noise and chaos everywhere? The truth is that the world is not going to slow down and get less noisy simply because you want it to. You have to commit to taking time to pause. I’ve grown to appreciate that pausing truly is golden. Taking breaks settle me in a matter of minutes.

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