#123: Strike A Pose!

If you didn’t know her before, you know her now. Megan Rapinoe, is the captain of the US Women’s National Soccer Team. She is also that purple haired, top scoring, and charismatic total badass who has recently inspired women around the globe with “the pose.”

#122: Exhausted No More

Do you feel exhausted more often than not? If so, the antidote may not be to get more rest. If you feel depleted and exhausted all of the time, you may not need more space or time alone. In this show Cara brings you a passionate talk about about dilemma many of us face day in and day out— feeling overworked and overwhelmed. She also chimes in about a common habit you may have adopted (along with the rest of us). It’s the unskillful (and unattractive) habit of blaming the world for your crappy mood or negative state.

#121: Wake Up. You’re Not Dead Yet.

Looking to the outside world to make things better? Wake up and try being a self-authoring human being instead. Do you feel overwhelmed, overworked and over scheduled? Do you feel as though there’s not enough time, space or peace in your life? If so, then wake up and tune into this episode. You’ll hear my passionate plea about waking up and becoming a self-authoring and anti-fragile human being.

Man focusing on painting a mural

#120: Alive Scale – 1-5 How Alive Do You Feel?

Fully Alive, Engaged and Awake: Live at four or five and there’s no stopping you. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “How awake and engaged am I in my life right now?” If you’re like most people, the answer is likely to be not often or never. In this episode, Cara brings you her Aliveness Scale. A way to measure states throughout the day—the Alive Scale is new. You’re getting it hot off the presses and still somewhat unformed (which is sometimes the best, isn’t it?)

Frog holding books looking stressed

#119: How Struggle Leads To Flow

Your struggle is not only useful, it’s necessary for growth and creativity. Are you struggling in a relationship or with a project at work? Don’t wish it away! There’s good news. In Cara’s latest short snippet of no-hype advice, she talks about struggle, your struggle, her struggle and how our struggle can lead us into flow—where we feel bigger, brighter, and better all around.

#118: Start Before You Are Ready

Start now. Get going. Stop waiting around for everything to “line up.” Do you have a great idea for a project, business, lifestyle but can’t seem to jump start it? Or, are you waiting for more information, more expertise, more something? In this episode, Cara talks about how to find the courage to start before you “think” you are ready — a concept she learned from motivational speaker Mel Robbins.

#117: Feedback Stings—Use It To Get Clear

Find out how to use feedback to get clear on what’s holding you back. We are brilliant beings with intelligence flooding, our systems. 24/7. We each have unique gifts to share with the world—our own unique version of lightness and brightness. However, oftentimes feedback gets in the way. It happens all the time. We receive constructive criticism and we shut down. We block ourselves from really listening. We hold ourselves back from showing up in our brilliance.

#116: Rekindle Your Childhood Aliveness

Find out how to spark aliveness and the sense of optimism, courage, confidence and contentment that comes along with it. We spend way too much time living in our heads feeling dulled and disconnected. As adults we move further and further away from natural childhood curiosity and excitement. We mute our enthusiasm for the delightfully simple things in life in exchange for getting more stuff done. In this episode, Cara talks about a better way to live by being a kid again.

#115: What Are You Most Curious About?

Find out how to spark your natural seeking curiosity and feel more alive. Did you know that humans are hard-wired to seek out new and different territories? In other words, we are born naturally curious beings. Being interested in new stuff is our survival mechanism! Unfortunately, as we get older (and busier), we seem to get less curious and more passive. For instance, we may unconsciously jump on Netflix rather than read a non-fiction book, or, scroll through Facebook rather than learn about melting glaciers or the new species of ants recently discovered.

#114: A Great Tool to Make Time Your Ally

Learn how a tomato and 25 minutes gets you into flow every time. In this episode Cara talks about a powerful tool called The Pomodoro Technique also know as the Tomato Timer. (fun, isn’t it?). She explains how it has been a game changer in her life. In short, it’s helped her make time her ally and not her enemy. In other words, she’s learned to work with time, not against it. Furthermore and most importantly, she talks about how this simple productivity tool gets her into Flow.

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