
Finding my SoulForce

For the past six months I have been writing a book currently called SoulForce: Unleashing your Human Potential. It stems from my deep conviction that

Heading Straight into Stillness

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn

My Call to Silence

I have been feeling a pull to the north all week long. For the past few days I’ve felt subtly directed to clean my house


Less than 48 hours ago my husband and I said good-bye to our youngest daughter on a bustling street on the campus of Brown University

Meditating with Horses

My first day of vacation was spent in rural Connecticut with a brilliant philosopher and healer named Bonnitta Roy. The best way I can describe

Change is the only constant.

Change is the only constant. ~ Heraclitus These words of the great Greek philosopher Heraclitus have ring loud and so true for me. I’ve heard

Stop Struggling

When we stop struggling we are naturally confident and at ease. Michael Carroll – The Mindful Leader I recently wrote on the final page of

Finding my SoulForce

For the past six months I have been writing a book currently called SoulForce: Unleashing your Human Potential. It stems from my deep conviction that you have the ability to be focused and fearless in everything that you do but you are all too often blocked from accessing it. I believe that, with daily practice,

Heading Straight into Stillness

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. ~Henry David Thoreau For the past several weeks I have been feeling a

My Call to Silence

I have been feeling a pull to the north all week long. For the past few days I’ve felt subtly directed to clean my house and settle my accounts.  You see I write this post on my way up to The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY where for the next seven days I will live


Less than 48 hours ago my husband and I said good-bye to our youngest daughter on a bustling street on the campus of Brown University in Rhode Island.  We hugged and kissed, shed a tear or two and headed west.  Watching her in my rear view mirror I saw her skip away in search of

Meditating with Horses

My first day of vacation was spent in rural Connecticut with a brilliant philosopher and healer named Bonnitta Roy. The best way I can describe Bonnitta is “The Horse Whisperer”.  Just to be clear, I, aka “Brooklyn Girl”, have spent little to no time with horses. The idea to spend the day meditating with horses

Change is the only constant.

Change is the only constant. ~ Heraclitus These words of the great Greek philosopher Heraclitus have ring loud and so true for me. I’ve heard this quote many, many times and have nodded in agreement many, many times but honestly have not deeply understood it until now. Change has been coming at me like gangbusters

Stop Struggling

When we stop struggling we are naturally confident and at ease. Michael Carroll – The Mindful Leader I recently wrote on the final page of my journal. It took me two years to fill the book with my insights and the profound thoughts of masters. Upon reviewing my journal, I came across the quote above

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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