#91: Get Out Of Your Mind And Live Body-First

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Live body-first. Shift beyond just thinking about life into the full sensory flow of life.

Do you ever feel like a brain on a stick, drowning in mental chatter and disconnected from your body? Learn how to get out of your mind and live body-first and in flow where you experience less thinking more being.

In this episode Cara describes how living in flow is at the tip of your nose and the soles of your feet. She talks about how being stuck in your thoughts disconnects you from your body and senses and can leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. In addition she explains how getting out of your mind and into your body stabilizes and energizes you in the following ways:

Out Of Your Mind And In Your Body
  • When you’re out of your mind: 
    • Mental chatter settles
    • Your inner critic goes quiet
  • When you live in your body:
    • You feel strong, stable and clear
    • Your senses light up
    • You experience life in high definition
    • You’re feel more connected to your body and surroundings

More specifically, Cara talks about living from your “body first.” Specifically, living from body-first is way of not get caught up in your busy mind but to instead connect with your senses and sensations. In doing so you discover how to think, speak and act from your body and senses instead of over-thinking or reacting impulsively from mental chaos or confusion.

Simply put, living body-first expands your awareness beyond just thinking about life into a full sensory experience of life.

Furthermore, Cara does her best to answer the “million dollar question,” how do you actually get out of your mind? She offers three reminders, or mini-wins, quick strategies to connect with your body and in doing so, you return to flow.

3 Mini-Wins To Get Out Of Your Head
  1. Ready – Get into your body by finding your “ready” position. Reminder: Feet Planted, Eyes Steady
  2. Set – Settle your nervous system with five conscious coherent breaths. Reminder: Take 5
  3. Go – Stand up, take a walk, or stretch your spine. Reminder: Move it.

Try these mini-wins throughout the day to get you out of your mind and back into your body where you not only feel more alive, you thrive

Remember, don’t be a brain on a stick. Get out of your mind and into flow by living from body-first.

It’s simple. Live in flow. It’s at the tip of your nose. Ready. Set. Go!


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Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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